Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wednesday @ 7:30p.m.

Well it looks like we are going to see all the major sights in Beijing in two days. Today we departed the hotel after a big buffet breakfast. Very nice tour bus took us to a Jade factory where we saw jade being cut for shipment to all parts of the world. Just one example of international trade that we saw. After tour of jade plant we went directly to the Great Wall. All team members agree that it deserves being one of the Wonders of the worl. Beautiful clear day, but cold, and we could see miles of the Wall. We then toured the Ming Tombs and later stopped at a Government Run Tea Cafe where we samplede many types of tea.

Tomorrow we will visit Tinnanimen Square, Forbidden City prior to boarding our flight home. We have had a great time and your kids have been wonderful. They did great work and I am very proud of them and you should be also.

This will be my last blog as we are leaving tomorrow. I hope that the blog has been some help to you and some assurance that everyone is ok......in spite of misspelled words and poor sentence stucture. Team members will be excited to tell you more specifically about our work here....as you know I could not be too specific about our work.

We have worked hard and played hard and now we are excited to return to our families whom we love. See you soon.


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