Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday 9:35 p.m.

We are home (hotel home in Guangzhou) from the Migrant Labor camp. The camp was a three hour van ride west of Guanzhou. We passed through beautiful countryside and small cities that time seemed to have forgotten. Upon arrival we were greated by the Father John who is the Director of the facility known as Marco Polo. Father John has invested most of 73 years caring for the homeless, neglected and in most cases forgotten children of Asia. Marco Polo provides some services for children in the poorest part of the area we visited. You can learn more of Marco Polo and view some pictures posted yesterday by Father John. The website is The pictures were taken at a "Trash Dump" that is home to several families. We spent the night and attended church service at a 3 Self Church which is the Government authorized church in China. Except for being in Chinese, the order service was similar to traditional service in U.S. The hymns were easily recognizable such as Amazing Grace, Oh Come All Ye Faithful, Silent Night, Etc.

Following the service we had another traditional Chinese meal and departed for hotel. Team members rested (slept) on the 3 hour return trip. Fortunately that gave them enough energy to call some Chinese friends and immediately left for shopping, eating again, and just "hanging out".....oh to be 19 or 20 again!!!

Tomorow (Monday) we will have a debriefing with local staff in the morning and we will have the afternoon free. The team members will again "hang out" with their new friends. We will pack tomorrow night and be ready to depart to the Guangzhou airport for our two hour flight to Beijing on Tuesday. Arrangements have been made with local tour agency to pick us up at airport and take to hotel for a few hours rest before we tour Tiannimen Square, and Forbiden City. We will tour Great Wall on Wednesday.

Ok...enough for now. All is good, I'm tired too..... and I'm going to Bed.....Good Night!!!!!!


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