Thursday, January 3, 2008

Friday Evening @ 11:00 p.m.

We just returned to our rooms after a very long day. We left the hotel at 6:30 a.m. this morning and returned at 11:00 p.m. We taught in 3 seperate schools and attended an English Corner after a very nice dinner. The Dean of one of the University had a very nice and elaborate meal for us. However, it was a traditional Chinese meal with some foods we were not sure about. Regardless, our host was gracious and we smiled and at least gave the appearance of really enjoying the food. Common consensus at this point after a week of Chinese Food. It will be nice to be home and actually know what we are ordering and eating. Bottom line, all team members are healthy and no one has gotten sick. Keep praying. 11:15p.m.....I'm tired and going to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


dawn said...

Hello! Greetings to all from the land of pizza and chicken strips! My best advice is to stick to stuff that at least looks like a vegetable.

I'm guessing that this was actually Thursday evening @ 11:00 PM? Either that or I'm really messed up at calculating the time difference.

Thanks for keep us updated. Everyone missed all of you, and we will keep on lifting you up!

dawn said...

...and we still miss you! :)

SayImAnEagle said...

Message For Kimmah:
Your mom and sisters miss you and love you very much. Can't wait till you get home. Hope you are having an experience of a lifetime. We are praying for you.
Love and kisses,
Your Family

Unknown said...

Bon Appetit! If your food looks stationary on the plate you're probably OK. It's those Indiana Jones buffet selections you have to worry about. Think of the stories you can tell...