Friday, January 4, 2008

Saturday 6:30 a.m.

Good Morning to All. Another very busy day yesterday. The team again divided into two groups and went to 4 Universities in the City and to an English Corner in the Evening at University City. University City is on the outskirts of Quangzhou. University City is a modern and very beautiful campus of 10 separate universities in one location and has 200,000 students in this one location. I don't have time to give much detail but be sure to ask team members upon there return. We had a great great that we almost missed the last subway train before sub closed for the night at 11;00 p.m. However, we made it with minutes (2) to spare...way to close!!!!

We are departing the hotel at 8:30 a.m. this morning for an overnight stay at a migrant labor work camp approximately 3 hours from Guangzhou. We are looking forward to working with orphans and other "neglected and unwanted" people at this camp. We will return to Guangzhous tomorrow (Sunday). There will not be internet access tonight at the camp so I will not be able to post a blog until we return to Guangzhou.

Please know that everyone is well, no one has been sick or injured and all are having great life changing experiences that they will not soon forget!!!!! Parents, you have some really great "kids" here and I am blessed to be with them. Thanks for your encouragement and continue your pr'ers.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

no one has been sick?!!!!!