Thursday, December 27, 2007

Newark Arrival

The team that departed Nashville, made it to Newark on schedule as did the planes from Birmingham and Tampa. It is 10:30 a.m. and all team members are eating a bite before departing Newark at 11:30 local time.

Notes from team members:
1.Daryl said his feet hurt.
2. Michael says ibs is in-check,
3. Kim did great for her plane ride.
4. Blair loves his family.
5. RT loves his family.
6. Kim gave Daryl half her sandwich and Daryl is happy....and we are happy because he can't talk while he is eating.
7. Kyle is doing his in-flight exercises so that he does not get a blood clot that travels to his heart and kills him.
8. Harrison says he has not grown any taller.

Bye for now....I will try to make another entry after we go through immigration and customs in Beijing. ...some 13 hours from now. However, do't be alarmed if not able to send update.

More later..........RT


Christian said... only takes half a sandwich? I'll remember that.

dawn said...

Hello! I hope your personal slaves are taking proper care of you, especially Blair. Get some sleep now! Give Barry a little kiss for me...

Nelson said...

R T: how about putting some pictures on the blog
Nelson & Lisa
tell Kyle hello

Karen said...

Kyle: I didn't know you knew about those in-flight exercises! And to think I took out life insurance on you just before you left...DRATS!! :-)
Glad to hear all is going well for ya'll!
Tell Kyle everyone back here misses him, loves him and is praying for him!
Little Karen sends slobbers, gurgles and coo's!