Friday, December 28, 2007

Arrived in Guangzhou

We are all ok It is 7:45 a.m. on Saturday. We are waiting to go to the University for our first class. Everyone is ok. Only casualty was that Daryl's guitar got broke. He is a is a bit sad but will be ok. We will have an orientation sessin this morning, lunch with University staff and teach this afternoon. We will have an English Corner tonight. Gotta go...more later.....RT

1 comment:

Netpilgrim said...

Hey Randall, Blair and the crew....glad you made it safe. What happened to the guitar???? Sorry!

Did Randall avoid falling asleep in his food on the airline?

You strong college kids take care of Randall's back. No lifting but he can wash all the dishes.

Have a great trip..

David Stockton